Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Riding a hovercraft was far from what I was expecting. It definitely cannot compare to driving a car. It’s very different riding a hovercraft not only because you’re levitated in the air but also because the hovercraft just keeps going, the hovercraft doesn’t slow down, it continues until a force stops it. This is so different from a car or a sled or skateboard, or anything that runs on the ground because eventually those objects stop due to the friction of the ground but the hovercraft has no friction so it’s definitely a very strange experience to continue at a constant velocity until you force it to stop.
After completing and discussing this project, I have a much better understanding about inertia, net force, and equilibrium. Inertia is Newton’s first law of motion.  This law word for word is “Every object continues in a state of rest or uniform speed in a straight line unless acted on by a nonzero net force.” That was my understanding of inertia before we had the demonstration of the hovercraft. However, after the hovercraft demonstration I learned that inertia is simply the property of laziness in all objects. I also learned that net force is multiple pushes or pulls and that when the net force equals zero the object is in equilibrium. Equilibrium is when opposite forces create a force of zero and everything is in balance.
Based on this lab, acceleration depends on the mass of an individual or an object. Naeem was much more difficult to slow down than Margaret Anne was not because he weighs more but because he has more mass.
After performing this lab, I would expect for constant velocity to happen in the middle stage of an objects movement. 

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